Forum Discussion

  • I used the Amazon price as a reference, which seemed to be at or below the common price everywhere else that I had checked. I haven't found any VW spec oil in any of the general merch stores in my area, but I hadn't looked at Wall-Flower. Thanks for the info; I'll check our local Wally.

    Seriously, I'm not paying anywhere near $52 for oil. My son works at an autoparts store so was able to find a decent sale price for Castrol VW 505 00/502 00, so I bought 4 cases of 6qt each for somewhere in the ballpark of $30-$35/case. I'm set to 50K miles...
    You are right, filters seem to be inexpensive, though I don't rightly recall what I paid, it was well under $10.

    Odd that her 2003 VW runs the 0W-40, where mine is spec'd for 5W-40.

    At 19K miles, I've done one change and will do the next in the next few days.

    The point of my post was to state what Ford will probably charge, given the normal (expensive) going rate for fluids for VW products. Many people will not, or cannot do their own oil changes so will pay the going rate.
  • BruceMc wrote:
    If VW supplied vehicles to Ford, Ford's already astronomical service and parts prices would quadruple.

    Have you ever priced motor oil for a VW? Amazon price for 5W-40, the oil I have to use in my 2016 Golf SportWagen is 8.66 per QUART, and that tiny 1.8L engine takes 6.
    API SN/CF, ACEA A3/B4, BMW Longlife-01, MB-Approval 229.3, Porsche A40, Volkswagen 505 00/502 00

    Now imagine what Ford would charge... Yowsa!!

    Also, the brake fluid is EU specialty, as is many other fluids. Tranny? Ouch!

    No more Fords for me, and after I sell this one, no more VWs (or any other EU vehicle) for me either!

    You need to look elsewhere. My Girlfriend's VW uses the same in the 2003 1.8T. Mobil 1 0w40 European Car Formula comes in 5-quart jugs at Wal-Mart for $22.88. It meets the following specs: MB-Approval 229.3, MB-Approval 229.5, VW 502 00/505 00, PORSCHE A40, Nissan Genuine Performances. I order her MANN filters (W 940/25) online for $4.62 each.

    You are seriously paying $52 for the oil? Try this method, get a couple jugs to start, and use 1 1/5 jug per change. That will cost you $27.46 per oil change instead. MANN filters come from Germany and guess who makes OEM filters for the VW line? MAHLE and MANN. The filter for your modern 1.8T is the MANN HU6002Z or the MAHLE OX835DECO, at $7.65 ad $8.56 on, respectively. Get the MANN, and my oil suggestion, and your cost per change just dropped from whatever astronomical price you are paying (probably around $75) down to $35.11 plus tax.

    I can't blame you for overpaying, as most people don't know how to find the right European oils and filters cheaply. Heck, my girlfriend was so afraid of the wrong oil going into her car that she took it to the dealer from the time she bought it used in 2005 until I began servicing her car last year. I figure I am saving her $75+ per oil change by doing it in the driveway with approved materials.
  • About 30 years ago Ford did a JV with VW in Brazil. I made a few trips there for Ford. Short story, it was a disaster !

    No one left working at Ford from that era. I hope they do NOT make the same mistake !!
  • If VW supplied vehicles to Ford, Ford's already astronomical service and parts prices would quadruple.

    Have you ever priced motor oil for a VW? Amazon price for 5W-40, the oil I have to use in my 2016 Golf SportWagen is 8.66 per QUART, and that tiny 1.8L engine takes 6.
    API SN/CF, ACEA A3/B4, BMW Longlife-01, MB-Approval 229.3, Porsche A40, Volkswagen 505 00/502 00

    Now imagine what Ford would charge... Yowsa!!

    Also, the brake fluid is EU specialty, as is many other fluids. Tranny? Ouch!

    No more Fords for me, and after I sell this one, no more VWs (or any other EU vehicle) for me either!
  • azrving wrote:
    VW should be able to show Ford a few tricks with this part....
    "lower-emission vehicles". :)

    What is interesting Commercial Vehicles includes Pickup Trucks. Although I think it will be mainly Vans
  • VW should be able to show Ford a few tricks with this part....
    "lower-emission vehicles". :)