Rick Jay wrote:
I agree, and this was mentioned in the first page of posts. It would be relatively easy to add a manual shut-off valve on the inlet hose of the heater core, if there's not one already installed. It doesn't take much hot coolant leakage to overpower the cooling ability of the A/C. Buystockinfun, if there is already a manual valve installed, try shutting it off to see if that helps.
Though, that wouldn't account for your low pressure readings being on the low side.
Good Luck,
If valves was mentioned, and I missed it, I'm sorry. I did see something about vice grips on hose. That could (likely would) cause damage to hose. Do it to somebodies rig, then charge to later fix leaky the hose is a questionable deal to me.
OP I mentioned the intake temp, and the amount of drop you are getting.
Back in my youth I took the AC out of a pickup, put in my 427 GMC. Now that truck had 2 gearboxes under a not well insulated floor, lots of other ways heat could get in. And because of the loads we carried, we would shim the back edge of hood up to let some heat from under hood. Worked on it for hours, on a 90* day, air at vent was about 75* Gave up when I taped the thermometer to the cowl in front of windshield where could read going down the road. The air it was picking up was over 140*