Forum Discussion

etrippe's avatar
Aug 14, 2015

dash cluster/gauges intermittently stop working

my 2006 F53 GeorgieBoy Laudau dash gauges, speed, tach, fuel, basiclly all go out and some or all the warning lites come on intermittently. When all is working fine, once you start the engine, it takes a few seconds for the gauges to come on and you here a "click" just before. Is there a relay or something on the firewall that could be going bad? Or what else could it be?

Is this a job for a Ford dealer? or could a local repair shop deal with it?

as always, thanks in advance
  • Mine did the same thing and it turns out a wiring harness was sitting on the geni exhaust
  • Check for recall on this problem, it goes back several years ago.
  • You can remove the Instrument Cluster by yourself. Typically 4 screws and a wiring connection. Google for the address , Specmo or GM Gauge Guy. They will repair it for under $ 200 and turn around time is short. BYW you can Google how to remove your Cluster. You'll be surprised how easy it is. Save yourself some money. Good Luck.
  • MR MAC wrote:
    Eric I had a problem something like that, was the odometer info, on a new MH, dealer wanted me to take to Ford dealer, who wouldent look at it. I took off the dash cluster (carefull) 5 screws, man there were a mess of wires looked like a snake pit. put light in there and checked all connections. found one, that was loose, all fixed. Might start there.

    Just for fun, run a new ground, Put a wire from the back of the speedometer to the steering column or something that contacts the frame. No need to find the original ground. Worth a try.

  • Eric I had a problem something like that, was the odometer info, on a new MH, dealer wanted me to take to Ford dealer, who wouldent look at it. I took off the dash cluster (carefull) 5 screws, man there were a mess of wires looked like a snake pit. put light in there and checked all connections. found one, that was loose, all fixed. Might start there.
  • On my 2003 Ford Bounder there is a power distribution relay located in the right front wheel well attached to the radiator frame. On mine not only id the dash cluster not work but neither did the starter have power. Cost me $525.00 to have a mobile RV guy work on it. He did finally locate the relay and cleaned he contacts, problem resolved. Sounds similar but not exactly the same.
  • Sounds like you might have a loose ground connection on the instrument cluster as-sembly. If not there might be a connector that is loose. Might be a starting point. JMO