balfre1946 wrote:
After two expensive repair jobs on our day/night pleated shades where the strings are forever breaking in our Fleetwood Fiesta 34B 2010 we are looking to replace them. We still like the concept but all those puny little strings make it too complicated. Any ideas? Does Blinds to Go work on RVs?
I understand your frustration with them. And, if you pay someone to re-string them, I guess it can get a bit expensive in the pocket book. But, here's a thought. We've broken a few of the strings in ours and I took on the project of restringing them. Yes, it's not one of the most fun things to do on a motor home but, it's certainly not the hardest. You can do it yourself if, you take some time and, just realize what needs to be done. There's a few "Youtube" visuals on the subject too.
And, the "kits" are on the semi-expensive side too. But here's what I did. I found out what kind and, what size of string/cord used on them. I went on to ebay and found it. Now, the last "Restring kit" I bought was around $20.00-$22.00 if I recall. But, what I found on ebay was, a THREE THOUSAND FOOT ROLL of the exact cord they use, for $9.00 and a few dollars for shipping.
I've got enough cord for about 300 motor homes. Now, to answer your question, yep, there's other blinds what will work. MCD makes replacement units for your windows. They're not cheap. You can get the powered ones or, the manual ones. Plus, you can go to Home Depot and simply give them the sizes of the windows you want to re-blind and, they'll tell you what other folks have used in their motor homes. Hope this info helps some.