Google the '12 volt side of life part 1 and 2' to learn about your rv electrical system, you need to read this and understand that basic operation of your system. Its a simple to understand reading.
Work and Stay programs: There are campground jobs where you can work and stay for free throughout the country. Even state parks without hookups will offer workers a special site with full hookups if you work there.
or... Try to find a business like a marina where you do some part time work for them and park on their property with water and electric as payment or partial payment. Marinas, farms or restaurants could be a good option for you. I found some businesses that just want to have someone on the premises to act as security, eyes and ears for them. Some businesses get insurance discounts if they have someone on the premises during the night. Just something to think about. You can dump your gray shower water into a bucket then into in a slop sink and use a nearby campground dump station when needed to dump the black tank.
$1800 sounds to be the seasonal rate for a few months ? In your area, it does not seem like its a bad deal to live somewhere full time in coastal New England and you won't have to worry about dumping water.
If you park without hookups, you will still have to spend money on gasoline to operate the generator as well as propane expense . You can offset those expenses by having full hookups somewhere. Your water heater might have an electric 110v setting, it wont use propane, just like the fridge. You'll be saving that money. That makes the $1800 seem like a better option for you.
You will also have other seasonals as neighbors which may be helpful to you. It helps to have rv specific connections it will help you find what you need.
Just in case you need to stay in the area longer than planned, there are winter campgrounds often located near ski areas that offer sites (with no water) but have electricity, wifi and cable. Those campgrounds offer a heated bath house with showers. There area more choices in NH, not sure about Mass.
Don't wait till November to try to find a site in a warm climate, they book up real fast, especially now with so many people fleeing large cities that are becoming less safe to live. Try to find a winter spot NOW if not yesterday !