ncrowley wrote:
What is the "best" clear coat to get? Should I get a spray or brush on? What exact brand/type do I get?
When you are using sand paper, I assume you go around the edges until you have gotten into a solid area. What type of sand paper? How do you do this so you do not sand off the paint?
How do you clean the area before you put on the clear coat?
Anything else I should know before attempting this?
Everybody has different standards, budget and skills for a repaint project.
I have tried to blend new clear coat over gel coat. This only lasts a couple of years.
I have applied base coat with new clear coat. This lasts longer.
Q1 You will want to spray clear coat. Depending on the Orange Peel in your result you may need to Sand with 1200 grit and higher wet sandpaper and the buff the result with polish.
Lots of people use the 2 part SprayMax 2K for small repairs to cars, and motorcycles, guitars, and other shiny objects. Buy it at your Automotive Paint Supply Store.
Q2 Sanding the good clear coat will allow the new Clear Coat to adhere to the old Clear Coat and maybe the base coat. But, if you sand the exposed base coat, the resulting color may be different from the surrounding good areas. So really one needs to spray new base (color) coat and then spray the clear coat.
Also, if trying to blend the repair into the remaining good clear coated surface you likely will get ridges where the layers meet that may need to be sanded out if possible. Up on the roof cap this would be a small problem. At eye level it will be very apparent.
Q3 Buy a cleaner from your Auto Paint Supply store when you also buy your SprayMax 2K Clear Coat. They can also try to match your base coat color and put it in a Spray Can.
There is a lot of help on the Internet for this process. Do some surfing before painting.
But.......if you want a long lasting, looking like new paint repair, have a pro do the work.
It is tough to find the right weather day for outdoor painting, then mask the area for painting, only to have the wind come up and the bugs come out to affect the quality and appearance of your spray job. Been there, done that.
PS....I bought a $150 scaffold from Harbor Freight (Home Depot has them also) that makes working high up much easier than standing on a ladder. It also makes a nice garage storage shelf when not in use.