I put a lot of time into a choice of a toad, and paid close attention to comments from other user's about their toads. There's only a 300 pound difference between your toads, so it will not be that much of a major difference. I separate toads into 3 general weight categories; 2300 lbs, 2800 lbs, and 3800 lbs. I chose the middle of the pack Kia Soul at 2800 lbs. In general, with a class C, it seems a good many folks really feel it when they get to the 3800 pound toads(Jeeps etc), and some go back to the 2800 pound range or lighter. Your 03 doesn't have the advantage of the newer transmissions with their added gears. If your disappointed with the performance, you could drop lighter to a sub-compact(2300 lbs), or put in a Gear Vendors Overdrive which will give you more gears for mountain climbing. If you don't run with full water,you save the weight difference right there.