Lumpty wrote:
Forest River Class C’s use Azdel composite in the laminated walls, not luan, so there shouldn’t be anything to rot or delaminate, as it’s impervious to water and will not swell.
A picture is needed of the affected area. I have an 11+ y.o. Forest River Class C with almost 100k miles that’s been outside every day since it’s been built, and the house is solid, with just regular body seam maintenance.
They only use azdel for the outer substrate layer behind the filon, the inner layer that the wall covering is applied to is luan, and the adhesives used to bond it all together is water soluble. Azdel is not the cure all the manufacturers brag it to be in the marketing dept. The Azdel will not swell, but the filon will release from it or it will release from the foam/aluminum core, and the inner layer is self explanitary.