Executive wrote:
1. Mix some water and baking soda and pour it on your batteries. Use caution as any concrete under the rig will stain. Make sure you have a pan underneath or you are over dirt.
2. Make sure ALL batteries are up to the line with water. Use distilled water to top off all batteries.
3. Remove the battery cables, ONE AT A TIME. Clean them thoroughly, put some grease on them and reinstall. You can purchase a terminal brush at any auto parts store, HD. HF, WM wherever...see pic below. Use one end to clean the terminals and the other to clean the cables.
4. Reinstall the cables, make sure you remove them ONE AT A TIME. Reinstall them after cleaning. I know this is a repeat of #3, but it should be repeated.
5. See if the problem(s) go away. If not, then you'll have to have the batteries tested UNDER LOAD. Usually an auto parts store will do this for free, but you might have to make an appointment for their convenience.
6. Check the electrolyte in the batteries to make sure it's correct.
Good Luck.....Dennis

X2 this is a good post. Sand paper can also be used to clean the terminals. Don't play with that corrosion. Handle it immediately. I have seen many cars that would not start due to corrosion on the battery. Clean the terminals and vroom!! I normally use baking soda, water, and a tooth brush. I like the aerosol can of batt terminal protector.