ok, some of you guys are way confusing me...
Perhaps talking about several different systems?
I have a Dometic digital system with a 5 button controller that connects to the front AC with a 4 wire phone cable (the front AC then connects to the rear one with another 4 wire phone cable). This is a digital connection that has nothing in common with any thermostat used in a S&B house...
My "problem" (if you can call it one, cause the system works fine) is that in AC or heat pump mode, "Comfortable" is a normal 68ish setting on the thermostat.
If "furnace" mode, "comfortable" is about 55.
Vastly different.
I am wondering why the "number" is so different in different modes, and if anything can be done to make the number "kinda the same"
One would think that a setting of 68 on the thermostat would result in roughly the same temperature in the coach regardless of the AC / heat pump / propane furnace mode?
And again, this behavior is identical in both zones. Physically different hardware.
I'd really just like to see the same inside temp with the furnaces on as with the heat pumps on, with the same number set on the thermostat?