I have what appears to be a print-out of the manual for the 2008 chassis. The exceptions to the routine 7,500 mile oil change, and 30,000 transmission oil change, and general component inspections are to reduce the oil change to 5,000 for RV/Tow operations. The rear axle is lubricated for life, the coolant change is 100k miles, and there is no mention of brake fluid changes, except for Class A's.
The coolant and brake fluid are not intuitive to me, but I may have missed improvements in the composition of those fluids. My 2000 Class A specified 2 year flush & change for coolant and 4 year flush & change for brake fluid.
As for oil, everyone has their experience/beliefs. I have 130k miles of lab oil testing data on my old Class A. It did have a dual oil filter system (bypass plus standard) which I have to adjust for. With the dual filter system lab recommendations to change oil came at 35-45k miles. Would indicate, to me, that lots of servicable oil is being recycled. But 6 quart oil changes for a V-10 are cheap, even if synthetic is used. Actually a bit cheaper than a sample test if you do it yourself.
As for the effectiveness of synthetic oil, dual filters, and extended change intervals: had to pull the heads of the V-10 down at 127k miles due to a spit plug, and mishap trying to insert a sleeve. NAPA machine shop found no measurable wear on the cams and lifters. Had the valves polished while off, and on reassembly compression was comparable to new. I don't have any data for oil performance with just the standard oil filter.