Here is a neat discussion about your subject line...
CHEATER ADAPTERSI added some diagrams of the various cheater cords in this link...
The one that scares me the worse is having two MALE PLUGs on one end and a FEMALE SOCKET on the other like when using one of these adapters.

What you don't want to happen is plug in one MALE PLUG to a 30A Pedestal and then read a 120VAC potential on the open OTHER MALE PLUG on the 20A Plug. Having a HOT MALE plug laying around can be real dangerous...
Normally if you plug in both of the MALE PLUGS first and then plug your 50A Trailer plug into the adpater next will solve this problem...
If you don't flip your main 50A Breaker in the trailer and plug one of the MAL PLUGS into the source you may indeed have a 120VAC POTENTIAL on the other MALE PLUG before you plug it into the source. I would think plugging in BOTH MALE PLUGS first and then plugging in the 50AMP Trailer MALE PLUG into the FEMALE SIDE of the adpater next would be the safe way...
I have no idea how the Electic manageent systems or GFCI receptacles on your trailer react to the adapters... I think it depends on how the camp ground pedestals are wired up. Normally the 30A receptacle and the 20A Receptacle are wired on the same hot leg of the pedstal fed by separate breakers is what I have found...
Reading the above link you see alot of modifications to the varios situations is done to make this idea work at the various different wired up camp ground pedestals...
Like I said in the link listed above "Be safe out there" haha...
Hope my diagrams and pictorials listed in the above link helps
The only RV ADAPER I have played with any is the RV30A-15A ADAPTER to hook up my POPUP trailer to my 2KW Honda generator to charge my batteries... It is pretty straight foward...
Roy Ken