Forum Discussion

tinkerer's avatar
Oct 28, 2013

electrical problem

When I try to turn on my power from my auxiliary batteries they refuse to kick in unless I start the engine. I when I turn on the battery switch I can hear the solenoid kick in but no electricity in the coach. I have checked the breakers on the inverter and they were not tripped. Any ideas?:?
  • Use a volt meter on the "aux" disconnect relay. Check for voltage and record reading on the battery side. Check for voltage on the other side with the relay in "use" position. When properly energized, the voltages should be the same. Cycle the relay to see if voltage goes away. It is possible that the relay energizes but does not "latch."
  • I am sorry I didn't mention that this is a 2007 Fleetwood Discovery. I fooled with it today and only the engine will energize the house electricity. When you turn the engine off the house electricity will stay on for about a minute before it disconnects. Shore power or the generator will not energize the house electricity. When I cycle the battery disconnect switch I can hear something clicking. Maybe I should have somebody cycle the switch while I check out the solenoid. I still am open for ideas.:@
  • Thank God all motorhomes are exactly alike. That eliminates the need for you to tell us what kind of RV you have:(
  • Did you cycle your battery disconnect?
    Whe you do it listen for a loud click.
    Sounds like the power is getting to your system only when the charge relay gets energized.
  • It started to do this when I fired up the generator. It does the same thing with the shore plug in on. The fuse from the batteries is ok.
  • Try cycling the battery aux disconnect. It may have dropped out.
    Next check the circuit breaker or fuse adjacent to the battery disconnect or between battery disconnect and the batteries.
    Start genset and see if everything powers up.
    What about when connected to shorepower?