This is not addressing the original poster's specific issue with his door strut being torn away, but seems a good place to share my no-strut solution.
We bought our rig new in 2007. Back then Phoenix USA did not provide a door strut or other type of door limiter. I wanted to limit the swing of our door in "soft stop" fashion for a few different reasons.
1) When the awning is setup, the door hits the support beam.
2) During exceptionally windy conditions, the door would rip out from my wife's hands, swing 180 degrees, and slam hard into the door stop.
My Micky Mouse solution installed back then continues to work well for us. The rope limiter offers a very nice soft stop. It attaches easily, and in our case, can be attached or detached with the door open or closed. Also, it never is in our way when passing through the door way. We always make sure it is attached on a windy day. Admittedly, it does not work perfectly with the roll-up screen door. Sometimes the screen door will roll-up open when the wind plays with the door held open with a bungee-cord.
The hardware I used is called a "weld nut". Google pics of weld nuts to see various types. I happened to find nice user-friendly thick round smooth ones at home.
As the years have gone by, I added a second rope, a bit longer for non-awning conditions. When we want to keep the door open, I bunge-cord the door open, utilizing the rear view mirror. It's hoaky, but it works. I have thought of installing a conventional door strut limiter, but we got well used to this method and it's flexibility to fully open the door 180 degrees....exceptionally nice when the rig is parked at home in our garage.