TucsonJim wrote:
D.E.Bishop wrote:
First of all congratulations on the upcoming change of life style, we've been that way since 1998, it's great.
Second, I happen to have the brochure on the 27N next to me on the desk. We started looking at them last year at the Pomona Show. Nice rigs. Then the DW saw the VIA and fell for that. Went back to the show this year and looked at the VIA again and have changed our minds again. Cs are out, VIAs and Views are out the Thor VEGAS is out and we are back to larger more comfortable rigs with more features.
We loved the layout and décor of the VIA and the outrageously good mileage, but as it ends up we changed our minds about that and buying one for a couple of years of intense travel and then going back to a bigger A.
Two things changed our minds,(read that as the DW changed her mind and, therefore, our collective minds) first while we love our 27' Bounder, it is small and the VIA is even smaller. After 13 weeks on the road a couple of years ago, we found it was really small. The slides and extra room of a 30T is very inviting. The second thing was what a salesman said, "The VIA is $50K more than a Bounder Classic 30T(I have that brochure next to me too) and that will buy a lot of fuel.
My points are, aren't our wives wonderful creatures, changing their minds in midstream and surprising us. After 51 years+, I should have known she would change her mind, right.
Then there is the size thing, yes you will forget about the size by the time you hook up the first night out. It is so much fun to drive, those captains chairs do something to your perspective on life and travel.
And last, as other s have said, you'll be looking for bigger within a few weeks or maybe months but the odds are you'll be getting bigger. I said for years that I wouldn't want a 40' DP, but I would love to have the income to buy one. I've changed my mind, I'd go bigger than 30' if going full time.
Good luck and happy travels and let us know how long it takes you to yearn for bigger.
Okay Mr. Bishop - I'm coming to your DW's defense here:
"aren't our wives wonderful creatures, changing their minds in midstream and surprising us. After 51 years+, I should have known she would change her mind, right."
Then you follow it up with:
"I've changed my mind, I'd go bigger than 30' if going full time."
So who keeps changing their mind???? :W
TJ, you've got me there, but in my defense, I always thought 30 to 32' was max, now I'd go with a 40', IF I had the means to purchase and maintain one. She always wanted smaller than our 27D, then we rented a 30' Winnie in AK, then she wanted bigger, then she saw the ACE 27.1, then smaller, the 25' VIA, smaller yet, then a 24' View, even smaller, now after reviewing conveniences, a 30' Bounder. I think she wins in the mind changing department.
In her defense, she was saying smaller hoping to get better mileage, then along came DGKs and we need more room, now she wants to be gone for three to six months at a time for the next 2 or 3 years and knows we need more space not less.
Like I said, God Bless Her, she puts up with my messing with things in the MoHo rather than sitting in the house watching TV in the evenings.