darsben wrote:
If sputter persists then do tune up. Plugs for sure but Rotor cap, rotor and wires if it has been over 2 years for these parts.
The 8.1 does not have a cap and rotor or distributor. It uses a modified COP (coil on plug) system that receives its spark command through the computer via a crankshaft trigger.
The short plug wires used have a relatively short life due to engine heat and when replaced you should buy the best silicone wires possible.
When we owned a gas MH that had the 8.1 engine it almost always had some water coming out of the exhaust when warming up. This would go away after the engine reached proper operating temperature. To achieve proper operating temperature you need to drive the MH not let it sit and idle. A good 10-15 mile drive will properly warm up the entire engine and exhaust system.