My 3¢ inflation, inflation you know.
Take everything out, empty tanks, etc. Weigh all corners and get a weight ticket showing so. Measure from ground to frame as near to the same location on each side. Have info available.
Contact Ford Motorhome Service, there should be info in your manual, and see what they say and ask them to recommend a dealer near you. They will try to blame the manufacture. They never have made an imperfect vehicle according to them.
If Ford looks at it they will want it to be empty so they can blame Jayco, if the weights show within a few hundred pounds as you say they will take in more seriously. Might get Jayco involved too.
If Ford gives you the run-a-round, and they will, you might contact a spring shop or a medium/heavy duty truck repair shop and get their opinion.
Failing that you might contact Jon at or as they both will understand your issues.
Be aware that they may very well try to through a blanket repair/replace five things rather than a one-at-a-time fix.
That or load the hell out of the high side. LOL