burlmart wrote:
burlmart wrote:
quand dans gatlinburg et knoxville, ecoutez-vous FM radio WDVX, c'est tennessee les leurs...american appalacian folk an bluegrass, et dimanche matin, leur bluegrass gospel c'est magnifique.
you would also enjoy asheville, NC, a bit of euro in the hills.
je suis un vieux redneck texan qui habilier maintenant en louisianne avec trois annee faire etudier francais en ecole 40 annee dupuis; ainsi, ma francais n'est pas ca bon.
allons a louisianne, mississippi, alabama, est florida gulf coast quand vous-voulez les choses de la france!
oh, man! my french was terrible!
when in gatlinburg and knoxville, listen to FM radio WDVX - it is '(east) tennessee's own' blend of american/appalatian folk and bluegrass, and sunday morning gospel bluegrass is great.
i'm an old rexas redneck now living in louisiana with 3 years of french study in school 40 years ago, so my french is not that good.
come to the louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and florida gulf coast when you want to see french influences on USA.
Bonjour bulmart.
yes I came in Louisiana 2 years ago. I lover it, after we went in Texas Where we saw Only little stuff of this state.
It is provided we go back in Texas next year, and this time, we should stay one mounth to visit this state.