The Storm is an entry level motor home, but you probably will not pay much for it and maybe that is what you want. Your choice, nobody elses. If your happy that is all that matters. But I will say that on motor homes you can get a lemon on any brand. I have seen expensive coaches that are a piece of trash, and at the same time I have seen entry level that have served their owners well. Quality Control is just not in the motor home industry as far as I am concerned. But it is a shame that as much money as these coaches cost that they would be manufactured better.
But I think the Ranger was a little harsh on his comment. I had not participated in this forum in a long time, because at one time if you did not own a Newmar all other coaches were junk. And there used to be big arguments between the Tiffin owners and the Newmar owners. I did not like that arguing back and forth. To me it was childish.