Aug-31-2016 11:49 AM
Sep-10-2016 08:34 AM
Devocamper wrote:
Looking again at a switch from fifth wheel to motor home again, looked around last year and was very disappointed with quality. My current question is for those that have larger gas motor homes on the ford chassis 26K and how they handle the load? It seems from my test drives of coaches in the 36 foot range were taxing the chassis. I have found two floor plans that we like but they are 38 footers, the Winnebago adventurer 38 Q and the Itasca same model as well as the newmar canyon star 3914 . Just looking for real world advise on how these coaches handle long grades towing a small suv or should I be looking at a diesel in this size?
Sep-10-2016 06:54 AM
pslocum wrote:
We have a 35' gasser on a ford chassis and it handles fine up hill or down, it's a 22000lb chassis the 38' foot Winnebago Adventurer is on the 26000 lb chassis I'm very sure that it would be fine it's a very nice coach and there are some great prices out on the net.
I've driven truck all my life and I'm not hung up on a Diesel engine. If you can afford one and want one fine but they all have there good points and not so good points. As far as handling complaints its IMHO usually from people not used to sitting so high in a fully loaded vehicle and they are just plane scared thus they hang on to tight and get white nuckles and complain about handling. It's not a car and will not handle like one. The advantage many diesel coaches have is air ride that can compensate for weight shift on corners and an engine brake that is nice,... but gives many a false sense of security on grades. You still need to be in the correct gear because engine brakes can and do fail, yes if your in the correct gear you will not need to use your service brakes as much ........but brakes are relatively cheap and for the $ you can purchase a lot of gas and brakes pads.
Sep-10-2016 06:45 AM
carringb wrote:Bruce Brown wrote:
It's not that a gasser can't do it, it's just that a diesel does it sooooo much easier, both uphill and down.
But why does it always seem to be diesel pushers holding up traffic on 2-lane mountain passes? It's been years since I've been held up by a modern gas coach. Sure, there's some older, slower motorhomes out there, but those drivers have the courtesy to use pull-outs and let traffic by. Do diesel pusher owners feel like they are exempt from using pull-outs to let traffic pass? Or are they unaware of the mile-long backup stuck behind them? I drive over the cascades almost weekly, and this has become weekly theme.
Sep-09-2016 07:30 AM
Sep-09-2016 06:42 AM
Bruce Brown wrote:
It's not that a gasser can't do it, it's just that a diesel does it sooooo much easier, both uphill and down.
Sep-08-2016 08:17 PM
Sep-08-2016 05:28 PM
Goldencrazy wrote:usersmanual wrote:Goldencrazy wrote:
Always amazed at how many responses of people who don't own one. I have a 2016 38Q. It is fantastic and plenty of power. I had smaller gas before the six speed and they were fine but this is fantastic. Up and over Monteagle without trouble. Haven't been west yet.
BINGO Quote: Haven't been west yet.
I have been west in a 2012 30t and 2015 35g. Both were fine. The gas is ok. Diesel will be better if you find the layout and the price. I like my layout and the price as it works for me in all conditions so don't be afraid of gas. If you spend most of your time in mountains diesel would be a better choice if possible. Good luck.
Sep-06-2016 10:07 AM
usersmanual wrote:Goldencrazy wrote:
Always amazed at how many responses of people who don't own one. I have a 2016 38Q. It is fantastic and plenty of power. I had smaller gas before the six speed and they were fine but this is fantastic. Up and over Monteagle without trouble. Haven't been west yet.
BINGO Quote: Haven't been west yet.
Sep-05-2016 07:19 PM
Sep-05-2016 07:02 PM
Sep-05-2016 07:00 PM
usersmanual wrote:427435 wrote:usersmanual wrote:
OK back to reality!
anyone that thinks their 3 slide 38 foot ford 460 lb torque class A MH
loaded and towing is in any way comparable to a mid to upper end 40Ft 4 slide 450HP 1250 lb torque Diesel pusher are living in a fantasy world
IT will and can out power you on hills hands down, Out brake you coming down hands down, out GVW you hands down, never mind a much quiter ride, never mind far far superior suspension's, never mind better and more options, never mind more storage, never mind a superior build and quality all around
but you beat the hell out of us on Price
But we see the same scenery!!!! 🙂
As for a quieter ride, the one DP I drove (a Monaco of about the same vintage as my gasser) wasn't any quieter. Of course the $150 worth of Dynamat helps a bunch.
We agree on the scenery for sure. Dynamat or not your V10 at 5000 rpm pulling mamouth mountain ca will out scream my ISL at 2100 RPM all day long my friend mark my words on that
Sep-05-2016 06:59 PM
Sep-05-2016 06:28 PM
usersmanual wrote:
OK back to reality!
anyone that thinks their 3 slide 38 foot ford 460 lb torque class A MH
loaded and towing is in any way comparable to a mid to upper end 40Ft 4 slide 450HP 1250 lb torque Diesel pusher are living in a fantasy world
IT will and can out power you on hills hands down, Out brake you coming down hands down, out GVW you hands down, never mind a much quiter ride, never mind far far superior suspension's, never mind better and more options, never mind more storage, never mind a superior build and quality all around
but you beat the hell out of us on Price
Sep-05-2016 05:18 PM
irishtom29 wrote:usersmanual wrote:
Dynamat or not your V10 at 5000 rpm pulling mamouth mountain ca will out scream my ISL at 2100 RPM all day long my friend mark my words on that
It takes all day to climb that mountain?