We have them...
Reason is, many years ago a neighbor on New Years eve had a tree blew over onto his trailer. Not a tree falling down like the cartoons, where something is smashed flat. Just a tree that fell over against his trailer after lots of rain and then a wind storm came in and blew over a big tree. Tree was leaning against trailer. Neighbor called in order to start a claim or what we were thinking to leave a message. Remember it was New Years eve. Believe it or not...A real live person answered the phone!!!! And neighbor was able to start the claim process. Between a back hoe and a tow truck pulling the tree off and back, the neighbor and I then cut down the tree (at one in the morning), so that no more damage occurred to trailer. They paid for tow truck bill but the back hoe, they would not pay for. The neighbor with the back hoe that we got up at one in the morning they said he was not licensed to be in business, they denied the $100.00 claim for his back hoe services (really getting him up out of bed at one in the morning). Anyways...
After that we signed up for them and have had great service for many years. with them. Although only one claim (water line broke in our RV) After drying out (no damage) and nothing became of the claim. And by the way that was the last time we used the city water connection. Probably 5 or so years ago.
However something to watch out for in my opinion...is something they offered the last couple times they called was something called "sewage damage" or something like that. After couple questions, turns out "sewer damage" in their opinion was damage from sewage back flow from sewer. Not a sewage back up from a "campground setting" but a sewer maintained by a city or town? Still fuzzy to me what they were really offering. Worth asking more questions what they really cover, if they offer this to you.