Well, I'm a little slow getting back here after my trip to Tucson. I had changed the tire pressures according to specs as mentioned above (90r and 80f), and had resolved to not obsess with handling and just enjoy the ride to Tucson. (About 4 hours away) I would say that the difference in ride was very subtle and for the better, but in general had to struggle to maintain my own lane. There was some cross wind, but nothing unusual. I found the drive to be much more tiring than it used to be. Very disappointing.
When time and money permits, I'll have the alignment thoroughly checked out. Need a seal coat on the roof first before winter. Supposed to have a big winter this year. Fortunately, in Arizona, our roads never stay icy for long and we will likely head south around Christmas. (Weather permitting.)
Again, thanks for all the posts and suggestions.