Forum Discussion

dayakster's avatar
Aug 23, 2014

Frivolous question but I can't find the answer......

What is the difference between an Allegro Bus and an Allegro or other Tiffin model? Is it just a name or is there a real difference in design/chassis?

I've googled and scanned several pages of the product knowledge forum at the Tiffin board but can't find the question/answer. It's not life altering as I've already got the bus but the question haunts me.

I only need a short answer....thanks.
  • Kiwi_too wrote:
    Current models. The Allegro (not the Breeze, RED or bus) is a V10 on a F53 Chassis. The rest are diesel on various chassis, slides, floorplans and packages. I know that can be said of all brands. You need to check out the link above.

    I thought back in 1998/9 or so when My BIL bought his allegro that he didn't want a bus as that was a diesel at the time and he wanted a gasser.
  • Current models. The Allegro (not the Breeze, RED or bus) is a V10 on a F53 Chassis. The rest are diesel on various chassis, slides, floorplans and packages. I know that can be said of all brands. You need to check out the link above.
  • dayakster wrote:
    newman fulltimer wrote:
    as far as i know a trim package like chevy gmc

    Ok, thank you!

    I just wondered because in driving around my small town I know of an Allegro that is similar age to my Allegro Bus and looks a lot like it on the outside and then there is a newer Allegro Bus a few blocks from me that just seems a lot fancier so I was confused.


    My brother just bought a new Tiffin Allegro 36 ft., 4 slides, etc., on a Freightliner chassis. Nice coach and amenities for the money.

    When we were looking at the Allegro Bus back in 2007, they were on the Spartan chassis. I didn't know about the Zephyr at that time and moved over to the Monaco Dynasty which is about equal to the Zephyr price-wise. The Tiffin dealer didn't know I was wanting to go up another notch so he didn't mentioned it.

    Passing through Nashville recently we stayed at the Jellystone RV Park and a new Allegro Bus pulled in. WOW, they have certainly brought them up a notch or two with the full roof awnings and the cool 'Honda Odyssey' duel rear tail light set-up. I see that they are now on the Powerglide Chassis.

  • newman fulltimer wrote:
    as far as i know a trim package like chevy gmc

    Ok, thank you!

    I just wondered because in driving around my small town I know of an Allegro that is similar age to my Allegro Bus and looks a lot like it on the outside and then there is a newer Allegro Bus a few blocks from me that just seems a lot fancier so I was confused.
  • The bus is higher in the pecking order of their other models, but one step below the Zephyr model which is presently their top of the line. The Phaeton is one step below the Bus and is a very nice coach.

    Here's a link to the Tiffin website:
  • dayakster wrote:
    What is the difference between an Allegro Bus and an Allegro or other Tiffin model? Is it just a name or is there a real difference in design/chassis?

    I've googled and scanned several pages of the product knowledge forum at the Tiffin board but can't find the question/answer. It's not life altering as I've already got the bus but the question haunts me.

    I only need a short answer....thanks.

    Allegro Bus is mid/semi upper stream Diesel pusher made by tiffin
    Kind of around in the same area as a Monaco dynasty or Newmar dutchstar type thing