Two Jayhawks wrote:
msturtz wrote:
We have a coach with a full wall slide. The biggest problem is stuff getting in the way and the coach must be level. Too many dealers are lazy and put the slides our without the leveling jacks down. This is very hard on the system and will cause the system to fail eventually. The slide rooms provide a lot of usable space when parked. They are very nice to have.
Believe it or not Newmar says put out the FWS before leveling but with air springs full with my coach. Most important is to go outside and check the reveal (seams around the slide) and if all are perfect deploy slide. If not then level and deploy. Yea...a little unusual.
Yes some manufacturers do the opposite and expect the slide rooms to be out before leveling. It really depends on how the coach was constructed. If the slide system is set up with the coach on the wheels especially on an air ride coach then it may be set up for slide deployment with the jacks up. Where it can be a problem is if the coach is so far off level that the air suspension can't compensate. I always do exactly what the manufacturer specifies. In my last three units they had to be leveled prior to deploying the slide room.