Forum Discussion

fasteddie65's avatar
May 10, 2016

Fuse Location Problem

I have a 1995 Safari Trek model 2430. I popped the fuse I believe for the Antenna Amplifier or Booster while installing a new one. I can't for the life of me find the fuse. In this model the amplifier is above the drivers seat in a cabinet next to the TV just above the Windshield. Help no TV Momma is unhappy! Thanks
  • The 12 volt distribution panel, fed from converter, is normally behind small meatal plate adjacent to the 120 volt circuit breakers.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Theory has it the TV antenna is a HOUSE device, and thus the fuse should be one of those in your HOUSE power panel.... Wherever that is.

    however.. Anything is possible.
  • Thanks for your quick reply. I removed the wall mount amplifier and exposed the white and black wires from the coach. There was no fuse in the box to check. I then plugged the new upgraded amplifier and it would not light up. I checked ever fuse in the engine compartment just in front of the divers side. No luck .
    The antenna is the sam company just upgraded. I know the two wires have a fuse. I just can't find its location.
  • That is a power supply that induces 12 volts onto the coaxial cable.
    Have you removed it from the wall? One of mine had a fuse in the back of it.
    Next would be the power control center. If a gas rig under the hood driver's side.