Forum Discussion

EPeterman's avatar
Jul 12, 2013

Fuse location

I have a 2000 Discovery and the cigar lighter outlet is dead, I use it to power my gps. I have no 12v back to the firewall and wonder where a fuse might be located in the circuit. It is on a Frieghtliner chasis. Iwonderif anyone has any input to my delimna. Thanks in advance.
  • When mine blew I called fleetwood and they told me what panel and number and it will be labeled cigar. Mine is in a black box labeled power distribution box . ford chassis.
    When I called fleetwood they said call ford when I talked with ford they said call fleetwood.
    When I called fleetwood the new person Said she would look it up good luck
  • I know on mine when the fuse was blown it was because of the nut on the back of the lighter became loose and shorted across the terminals.Yours may be different but my fuses were located under a cover on top of the dash on the drivers side. Hope this is of some help. Jim