Forum Discussion

davyhulmestu's avatar
Apr 30, 2015

Fuses Safari Simba

The lights in dinette are out and I think it may be a fuse but cannot locate it. Hopefully someone can help a relative newbie.
2005 Safari Simba
  • Just to note, not all 12V fuse panels have the handy "fuse blown" lights. On some, you'll have to pull the appropriate fuse and check it with a meter. (Which fuse is the appropriate one? Hopefully the manufacturer provided and accurate list, but often that's not the case and there's some guesswork/menial labor involved in checking a bunch of them.)
  • Check your 12 VDC fuse panel first.

    If not the problem, then particularly since they are in a slide, check wires in the slide area-- both positive and ground.
  • Not familiar with your model, but you should have a converter/inverter in your rig. Usually low down,approx 12"x8" cover plate. If you pop the cover, there will be a set of LED lights - if one of them is lit, it signifies a blown fuse.

    However, fuses blow for a reason !!! I would suspect that you may have a chaffed wire on the slide out which is grounding out and popping the fuse.