down home wrote:
been in the RV community for a long time. I've talked with seveaal that have had their MHs towed more than a thousand miles. Geico and other Insurance policies and use to and may still be Sams would only tow you to the nearest facility. So you are mistaken. Not all facilities will even look at a MH. I can't thin, at the moment of the name but a big outfit that will service diesels in trucks won't look at a MH and ones that will don;t know what they are doing such as adding 39 qts of oil and not draining the old oil and tearing the seal off the dipstick and tearing up the grill by dropping it and letting the batteries go dead when they said they would lug it in and losing several hundre dolars in groceries.
Sorry Sir, I am doubting you. I am looking at the map now, and cannot Find anywhere in the CONUS or Canada (That you can drive on a road) that is 1000 miles from a city with a Freightliner or Caterpillar or Cummins dealer. (Ford, Chevy, Dodge are in many town over 10,000)
Just not geographically possible. Now if someone wants to have their RV towed 1000 miles home on their dime to their personal mechanic, good for them. No insurance company is going to pay that.
We can disagree like Gentlemen, but I hope you keep this reply in the back of your mind when you break down with these high expectations The Entire US is only approx 2800 miles wide.