We don't bring along our SAT DISH stuff anymore with us. Have pretty good luck using the NATL BROADCAST network using the BATWING OTA antenna setup. Don't know if you have tried this yet or not... You have to switch to ANTENNA and scan in the usable digital HDTV channels before you can view them.
If this doesn't work for us then the only other way is to use the internet to downstream TV over the internet. Our present internet is VERIZON MIFI which is only a 3GB dataplan and downstreaming TV programs will eat that up pretty quick. We use a free to use program on-line called 'WATCH TV-SERIES' which is not "live" TV shows but as soon as the TV program is shown over the air it is made up into a video you can downstream to view it. Works good for us...
If you are going to be doing this alot you will need to go with the MILLENICOM MIFI service which uses the good VERIZON network and this will give you a good 20GB DATAPLAN to use.
I am not a big fan using WIFI signals from non-secure locations. I use my internet for checking emails, chatting with the kids, paying bills, an surfing the internet. I like to stay on the SECURE SIDE of things as much as I can...
Not many ways to get TV when you are way back in the woods sometimes. I was surprised how the new NATL BROADCAST did for us. It does take good pointing of the antenna to the local TV towns to work however... It is FREE to use too...
We always carry a bunch DVD movies just for these times haha...
Just some of my thoughts here...
Roy Ken
My Posts are IMHO based on my experiences - Words in CAPS does not mean I am shouting
Roy - Carolyn
K9PHT (Since 1957) 146.52M
2010 F150, 5.4,3:73 Gears,SCab
2008 Starcraft 14RT EU2000i GEN
2005 Flagstaff 8528RESS