Forum Discussion

dennyida's avatar
Oct 31, 2013

gps units

Hi to all from Denny and my wee blonde Ida, Just wanted to toss out a question about GPS units. WE have a garmin unit that we now use and works good. What I would like to get is one I can program to show us camp grounds , dumping stations and so on. Does any one have one that has this feature? Thank you,Denny and Ida
  • In my Garmin 3550 I have nearly 900,000 additional custom locations I've loaded into it ... on top of all the locations it comes built-in with (..these built-in locations get automatically updated whenever I update it's maps for free). This makes our 3550 Garmin way more powerful and useful for RV trips. The thing I like most about the Garmin system is it doesn't need cell tower access to navigate - only it's built-in satelite communications. BTW, this is not the case when using iPHONEs or iPADs for navigation - these gizmos need Internet access in order to navigate (which you can't get in many places where drycamp and boondock RV'ers go).

    Here's currently the category folders I have the custom locations stored in in our 3550 Garmin's built-in memory. These categories cover the entire U.S. and, in most cases, Canada:

    Camp Sites - Canada
    Camp Sites - U.S.
    Dump Stations
    Food - Groceries
    Food - Restaurants
    Gasoline Stations
    Ghost Towns
    Henry Coe Park
    National Areas
    Propane Stations
    Rest Areas
    Shopping - General
    Shopping - Walmart
    Thrift,Antique,Flee Mkt
    All U.S. bridges under 12 feet in height
  • I purchased the Garmin RV760. Has big 7" screen with pre-loaded campground info, truck stops, rest areas, etc... It's based on the Garmin 760 Dezl for truckers. Enter RV size and it routes you only on roads you should be on. Warns you of sharp curves, speed zone changes, steep hills. Comes with lifetime maps and traffic. Bluetooth enabled and works with voice commands. I love mine.
  • We have the Rand McNally 7715 RV specific GPS. It is nice and big,does a great job and has a lot features like keeping us off of hight and weight restricted areas. But we bought it because our old Garmin was in dire need of a map update, and that wasn't cheap so we decided to just put the $$ toward a new uint. If your Garmin is up to date and you have a smartphone, I'd consider the Allstays Camp and RV app. We use that when looking for a campground or dump station even though the GPS will do that. The copilot can easily search around when on the move and not mess with the screen for the overall trip (not a huge deal on a long stretch of road, but searching and missing a turn isn't fun.)
  • Get Strips and Treets or Street Alas and the overlay files from the Discovery Owner's website. Those are better for planing - too.

  • Google custom POIs for Garmin. You can find all sorts of POIs there, including campgrounds, parks, etc. I've done this and it seems to work pretty wel..