we have garmin 465 and a 760. both are good but both can lead you astray. for example on our last trip the 760 tried to send us down the taconic state parkway--not a place for big cars much less a motorhome. on a long trip to a new place we route using the gps and then check routes on the truckers atlas
One thing I discovered when we were travelling this spring - if the wifi is not a secure network, you may not be able to update your route through Good Sam Maps. We were travelling with a Verizon hotspot, but once when I tried to update through open wifi, it wouldn't import. I fired up the hotspot and it worked, no problem. Something to be aware of. The dock will also automatically suggest that updates are available, and they seem to update frequently. I know on my Garmin, even with lifetime updates, it seems there's a limited number of times you can update.
Update! I attempted to update the software for a second time and this time it worked like a charm. First it asked me to register then recognized that there were updates available both base code and maps. These updates were a huge improvement. I now have a spell button in the Campground listing and a List button when entering a City and Henderson, town of, NY is listed. Why Rand tech support didn't suggest that an update would fix my issue or even ask what version I was on I don't know. Neither the email response nor the live person indicated that might be the case. At any rate I wanted to repost to let others know. It does have some nice features I will say, verbal speed warnings, Lets you choose between 2 different routes when it calculates and the ability to plan a route on the Good Sam website and download that trip plan to the GPS.
I believe GPS units are like cars some love Fords and Some love GM. To each his own.
I have the Rand 7720, (CW, Good Sam) and it allows you to put in the length of your rig and towed car. There are no guarantees that it won't send you down the wrong road though. Having said that I am mostly happy with my unit. When planning a route, it will give you two choices to your destination, (you can choose the one you prefer) which I find helpful.
GPS or highway navigation computer. I use a Garmin Nuvi on the road, but I use it only to know where I am, my travel plan is worked outbahead of time, in my head, and flexible. So the cheapest Nuvi works fine for me.
But my GPSMap 60c (since superceded) is far superior as a GPS since it will work with as many birds as it can find on 12 channels to statistically give me a better estimate of location. Almost any recreational GPS receiver is a better GPS than any automotive navigation device, it is the difference between putting you someplace on the nearest road (represented as several hundred feet wide) or telling you that in two more steps you will fall off a cliff.
I have been using both the Garmin RV 760 and the Rand 77xx. Here was my experience on a recent trip from Red Bay, AL, to Carson City, NV, via I-70
We were heading northwest on Hwy 63 to pick up I-70 at Kansas City. Near Gilmore, AR, the 760 wanted me to take I-55 to St Louis, which would have taken me northeast many miles out of my way. The 77xx routed me correctly to stay on Hwy 63 as I had programmed it.
On the other occasion I scheduled a fuel stop at Richfield, UT, on I-70. When I got to the I-15 interchange the 760 directed me to turn northbound to, I assume Hwy 50 at Holden, UT. The 77xx directed me to head southbound to Hwy 21 at Beaver, UT, and ultimately to Hwy 50 as I had routed it, again saving me unnecessary extra miles.
There are times I will schedule more than one possible RV parks along my route, and then make a decision which one I might want to stop at depending if I feel like driving further that day. Deleting a stop on the Rand unit is very simple. Preferences > Skip next stop > Return to map. The Garmin is much more involved, but I can't remember the sequence off the top of my head.
I do my trip planning for the Garmin using Streets & Trips, create a .GPX file which I then import to the RV 760. For the Rand unit I use Good Sam's Trip Planner, which I like much better than S&T. When I'm done with a route, I used the Dock program to transfer it to my 77xx.