Forum Discussion

budnann's avatar
Jun 17, 2014

Hi all. 2014 Winnebago Vista 33' Lost AC and heat pump

We are on the road and now in Ok City. AC will not come on nor will the heat pump. Took it in and they fixed it within 30 minutes. Said all it was is a reset switch. Asked then 3 times where it is located. They would not tell me. WQe are on a 6 month road trip and if this happens again, out in the middle of no where, we need to know where thie switch is located. Please, can some one here tell my wife and I?? Thanks so much. BB
  • You are pretty close to Winnebago in eastern Iowa, they do good work. They may be the ones to see on your trip.
  • It almost sounds like the Energy Management System is shutting off the A/C unit. Currently we are on 30 amp service and on a hot day the EMS may shut off one or both units when we exceed 30 amps. Like running the microwave, hot water heater, coffee maker, and both A/Cs at the same time. The A/Cs will eventually come back on when some of the other devices shut off.

    Just a thought.

    Good Luck
  • I think I have found the answer. There is no reset botton. But, at times, a load may cause the AC to shut down. It is a matter of going to the thermostat and unplug it and leave it unplugged for 3 to 5 minutes then plug it back in. That will allow it to reset itself. This is from Winnebago and my TV shop in Wa. Hope others will see this and if they have this problem, give this a try.
  • Yes Mike. You are correct. I have been doing electrical work for a number of years in the line of work that I have retired from. Thanks for the insite. BB
  • Lots of folks don't know that to reset a breaker you must turn it OFF, then ON or it's not reset.
    Good Luck, Mike
  • Thanks all. We took it to a Winnebago center. They did not charge us anything although, they did say it is not a warranty item. They say they see this alot. i think there is something fishy about all this. Oh, and yes, we did check the breaker and it was ok. Even reset it. I think I will make a call to Customer Service at Winnebago and see what they have to say. Thanks everyone for your input. BB
  • The Winnebago website has a link for downloading manuals:

    I looked at the spec page for Winnebago Vista 2014 and it lists no 33. Also, the HVAC specs do not specify models or brands. If you had that info, you could probably get manuals from the websites of the makers of the AC and the heat pump. Of course, those manuals would not help if the problem were in the coach wiring or breakers and not in the AC or heat pump itself.

    Isn't your 2014 unit still under warranty? Can you call Winnebago?
  • Sounds like the breaker popped, did you check your breaker box before taking into service..
  • Or maybe he was referring to the circuit breaker in the fuse box-they can be "reset"
    I would have insisted they show me or paid with a credit card then disputed the charges.
    Good Luck, Mike
  • Bud, you didn't say what brand heat pump you have but I don't think there is any type of reset switch on any of them. I'm guessing the tech was moving wires around and the unit just came on. He probably wasn't sure what he actually did but he had to tell you something when he handed you the bill. He may have reset the thermostat if its digital though.