Forum Discussion

bhivetravels's avatar
Dec 14, 2014

Holiday Rambler 2015 Vacationer

Looking to purchase a Holiday Rambler 2015 Vacationer but don't know much about the company nor the 36DBT. We like the floorpan it is like the 07 Coachman Epic we currently own. Amy thoughts on the company, engine, frame?
  • We recently bought a Vacationer 36DBT and like it. There have been a few issues, like the driver's side slide out failing and some other minor issues. We downsized from a 43' diesel to this and we're finding that we're not giving up that much. Ours drives well and seems to be okay in crosswinds.

    We've spent a few days in it and are going to take a two week trip soon, so our experience is limited.
  • Jim and Monica,

    Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to buy from Allied RV Group. When we had our '08 Monaco this past summer, (now sold), a small issue came up with the air leveling so I called the Monaco tech number. A tech walked me through it and all was good. Very helpful.

    Good luck and let us know what you decided to do.

  • I honestly don't know Neil...but I believe in Decatur....there was a recent write up for a Monaco Admiral in one of the magazines and that's virtually the same thing...I haven't been to the shows lately to actually see one ..that's because DW believes that I might pull the trigger on a new toy...and while my HR has a fiberglass roof, the flyers for this one say fiberglass cap (hmm?) I literally would have to see one...
  • Where are the new H/Rs being built at Stuart, & do you know how they are constructed ?, aluminum roof & framing, or rubber & sticks.
  • Ford chassis, nothing to worry about there...HR now owned by Allied Rec Group (Fleetwood, American Coach, HR and Monaco...great support over phone lines when you need it....If there was a Newmar or Tiffin with a floor plan you like, I might consider it, but if you love the floor plan....nothing wrong with this choice...HR will probably get you a better discount than Tiffin....