Forum Discussion

bsjones11's avatar
Mar 18, 2019

hot water

Still need some help on the hot water issue. Left the rally and returned to the resort in Foley Alabama and hooked up as usual with electric and CITY water. Cut the shower water on and hot and cold work fine. Works fine in the bath sink. We both took showers and worked fine. So, this only happened when using the pump. I had just replaced the pump before we left for the rally. Same pump, and there’s not much room for a mistake hooking it up. Water supply in and out. Two wires, and all hooked up just as the previous pump. Somebody help, I have no idea how the pump could cause a problem with the hot and cold water mix.
  • Showers have flow restrictors....pump pulsates due to low demand
    Hot/Cold fluctuates due to variances in pump flow
    Remove the restrictors for better flow (in end of hose or shower handle...if not removable drill them out sing 1/4" bit)

    Or install an accumulator tank on pump discharge to even out pump flow
  • Install a check valve on the cold line of the shower, that will prevent the hot water that is at a slightly higher pressure from pushing the cold water back, I did this to stop having to wait for the temperature to reset when taking a Navy shower, the pump might not have enough pressure to overcome the water heater.

  • When running on the pump do you get the same thing at the other faucets? Kitchen, bath, etc? If not you may have an issue with your shower hot/cold anti-scald mixing valve.
  • no hot water works fine. When hooked up to city water the water mixes hot and cold great. when using pump, the hot and cold water pulsates from extreme hot to extreme cold.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    Are you saying it worked fine on electric( when plugged in) but would not work on propane (not plugged in) ? If so check to see if you have a flame in your burner tube. Then let us know.
  • Maybe this?
    Is the by-pass for the water heater set up right? The cold line into the heater should be open and the line coming out (red on our rig) should be open. The valve between the incoming and outoing line should be closed. That way water HAS to pass thru the heater.

    Is the outside shower valves both closed?