SkyCop.......Here is a real life photo of what a pump controller looks like:

It's called a water pump "latching" controller. With just this one controller you could literally add a 1000 water pump switches to your RV. The controller is usually within 24" of the water pump. The water pump takes a fairly large size wire to operate and it would be impractical (now days) to run that much large wire around the coach. Instead they use a controller. The large wiring from the pump is run just to the controller. To make it function, they run a single (smaller) wire to switches in your coach. The wire is connected to the switch (momentary switch) and the other side of the switch is connected to ground. Every time you hit the switch, it momentarily touches ground and sends a signal to the controller to either turn on or off, depending what it was doing before the switch was operated.
Find your water pump and follow the wires, they should lead you to the controller, usually screwed to a bay wall. If you need a new controller, buy two. They're inexpensive and something you should have a spare of. If ever in an emergency, you can always disconnect the pump from the controller, connect the wires and leave it on all the time.
Good diagram posted by "RLS7201"