DanTheRVMan wrote:
JohnnyT wrote:
Barbara, the need to run the generator periodically has nothing to do with the motor whether diesel or gasoline. The issue is to reduce the effects of moisture, condensation, on windings,brushes, and contacts in the generator.
With all due respect that makes no sense at all.
Wet - Dry cycling is worse from a corrosion perspective than just letting an item sit wet. Drying it out lets chemicals that accelerate corrosion concentrate and corrosion to accelerate.
Both generator and MH engine need to be run to recoat oil every where. But you need to run these long enough for both to get hot as wolfe pointed out previously.
JohnnyT is right on concerning the generator. Should be ran once a month at 50% load and the issue is to reduce the effects of moisture, condensation, on winding ,brushes, and contacts in the generator portion of the unit.
The engines being ran, or not being ran, we can debate all day. Farmers are well known for not starting up diesels until they are needed, and that may be twice a year. I even know highway contractors who do not start certain diesel powered paving equipment all winter long. If you are going to start it, you have to take it out and run it to get it up to operating temperatures. For a diesel during the winter months that is at least 25 miles while under a load. Diesels are cold blooded animals and are difficult to warm up.