Forum Discussion

dayakster's avatar
Apr 08, 2014

How should I plug in my vacuum cleaner? Newbie ???

I would have asked this in the newbie forum but it pertains to a MH.

I brought my 97 Allegro Bus home last Thursday and plugged it into the house 110. It's still so cold here in Wisconsin that I haven't really done anything else. I set the clock on the convection oven and that's it.

I'd like to get out there tomorrow and give it a good once over with my Dyson upright vac but I'm not sure how I should plug it in. Should I just unplug the bus and use that extension cord or can I plug it into one of the sockets at the front passenger seat which I imagine is 12v as long as nothing else is running on them? If i use 12v do I run a risk of blowing a fuse in the house?

I've got a cordless vac on my shopping list. Thanks.