The info you have received so far is pretty much accurate, however, if it were me I would start by going to the following site and downloading the manual #888,
Kwikee Manual #888.
Chris Bryant also has it on his site I believe. Now you have the trouble shooting instructions and a schematic of the electrical.
The fuse for my controller was installed by Fleetwood and not in a (in my case)a Chevy panel. It is, however, marked step fuse and comes directly off the battery. There are two fuses and I forget where the other fuse is located. I'm not in my MoHo so I don't have my wiring diagrams.
I will tell you up front, I don't think there is a blown fuse, if there was your steps wouldn't work. With the manual in hand and a test light or a DMM you should be in great shape for finding the problem.
As suggested, the override switch may be near the door, then again like mine, it may be on the dash.