Grit dog wrote:
Well lots of pointed opinions here, but put it in perspective. It’s a RV leak not cancer so deal with it and don’t let yourself get jerked around by the dealer. Not the end of the world. Not worth losing sleep over, yet anyways. Just get it fixed.
Yeah I have been loosing sleep over it actually lol, the issue is that were selling our house and going to be traveling for at least 2 years in the RV. I am trying to let it go and just get it fixed and move on but its really hard since we only have 3 weeks to get it fixed before we absolutely will be without a house, and their time frame for getting it resolved is longer. Ill know more tomorrow or Wednesday and then i can gauge what I'm really going to do. I think i just needed to vent and talk with someone that knows something about the industry and RV's in general. I appreciate the comment though and If its fixed I am fine but the service so far has felt like I've just been jerked around.