Sully2 wrote:
The rig is getting too much to handle because of my infirmness...(thats a word aint it??) and I think my RVing days are over.
Should I put her up for sale this fall or wait till spring?? Al I know is that it wont be cheap cause Ive got a ton of "extra's" that will go with it. Oil filters; hyd filters; fuel filters and so on and so forth.
Wife and I both sad to see her go but both agree its time for a new chapter in the book
The first thing to do is to list your rig for sale on RVTrader dot com.
The idea of putting it up for sale with any consignment service a thousand miles away that then you either have to transport the rig to them, or, give them up to 15% of the sale price is ludicrous.
Too many pitfalls letting a company take the rig and deliver it to, or, you driving it to and then having to fly home another 1,000+ miles to boot. The incidences of risk involved, as well as the great sales charges just don't add up.
Far better to list yourself on RVTrader, and list on-consignment with a LOCAL RV sales lot.
Good Luck!