Forum Discussion

3DCal's avatar
Feb 21, 2014

Interior lights & Fans not working in MiniWinnie


we have a 2000 MiniWinnie. The overhead lights in the livingroom/dinette, and the front exhaust fan, and bathroom
exhaust fan are not working...just stopped since last week.

Are they AC or 12v DC? I checked the DC, and only got 0.005v
-didn't check AC voltage, but assumed they are DC since they work
off the house batteries.

I checked all the fuses and they are all good....#2,3,4 are "lamps",
but the lamps are DC....the fuses are for AC, right? Which lamps are AC?

Anyway, it appears the lights and fans are on the same circuit...don't know what to do next...take it to the shop?

Any suggestions welcome.

  • Later...

    I unplugged the coach from the AC hookup, turned on the Aux Bat switch.
    Checked the lights & fans....still not working. All the other lights are Ok.

    I checked the DCV on each of the 15amp Lamps fuses....= 13.0V.

    Then I connected the overhead lights in the livingroom to one of the
    fuses and grounded the other lead...there was a small spark, but the lights
    didn't come on or flicker. But there was a clicking noise in back of fuse almost sounded like the generator was trying to start. =O

    I don't want to mess with the guts of the panel. And I can't tear up the ceiling to find the short.

    We can probably just get some lights that run off AA's for the ceiling, but
    we need the 2 fans, and I can't run the wires.

    So I'll check around to see what it would cost to at least get the fans working again.

    Thanks for all the good help.
  • Thanks guys...I'll try all your ideas, and get back later.
  • Run a temporary power feed from your 12 volt DC panel. Connect it temporarily to the bad devices. See if they work. If they do not work, connect the temporary line to ground. It could be a bad splice in the grounds. These splices are normally behind the AC/DC panels near the converter.
  • AC stuff uses circuit breakers just like at home
    DC stuff uses fuses

    Use your tester and with the 12V DC fuses installed check that you are getting 12V DC voltage on both sides of fuses.

    If yes....then check for 12V DC at each one of the lights/fans.
    If they are in series could be a bad ground at one of them.
  • All the fuses are good.

    I took each out, visually inspected, and
    checked for zero ohms. Also checked the fuse that is on the front fan,
    and it's good as well.
  • "Have you checked your battery disconnect to make sure it is on?"
    Do you mean the "Aux Bat" switch next to the side entrance?

    Yes, it's on. The other lights (kitchen, over the couch, bedroom, bathroom, exterior) all work.

    Also, when plugged into the AC hookup, the lights & fans in question do not work, while all the other lights work.
  • Fuses are normally 12 volts DC.
    Lights in most newer MHs are all 12 volts DC.
    Have you checked your battery disconnect to make sure it is on.