Forum Discussion

JRS950's avatar
Apr 23, 2015

Isata Touring Coach questions

We have been looking for a motorhome for about 5 months now and have been up and down the scale of size and styles. Started with Roadtrek. Then looked at Winnebago's. Nothing seemed to fit. Stopped by my local dealer and he has a 2005 Isata Touring Coach just traded. It is the 250 model rear door. I don't know anything about this brand. I was hoping that the collective may have son good information about this coach. It appeared to be a real quality unit. The unit has around 20000 miles. Any help will be greatly appreciated
  • Thanks for the info. Doesn't matter now we pulled the trigger for a new class c Four Winds 28Z. Can't wait to get it home and start using it.
    Thanks again

  • Manufacturer was Dynamax, premium product lines mostly. Isata name was used for smaller models targeted for use traveling more than camping; this makes a difference about where the money gets spent.

    Dynamax is now a piece of Forest River, and the products have been changing, so don't necessarily expect information about new ones to apply to old ones.