Blaster Man wrote:
racerchaser wrote:
...My fan kicks in at 210 and the temp goes to 180 and then starts back up when the fan stops...
How can you tell when the fan comes on and goes off?
The silverleaf will show a variance in the Temp., usually when pulling a grade you will see the temp rise to maybe 210-215 and then start dropping back, depending how steep and how long the grade is..,and at some point the temp will appear in large print on the Silverleaf, don't know exactly what temp, I think I was near 220 when it appeared, long steep grade, but did not go any higher.
With all that said, you can also control your temp by using the proper gear to handle the grade, keeping the RPM at the correct setting, I go around 2,000 or a little above, that will keep the temp in check also, never let the engine get behind the curve.