gatorcq wrote:
MountainAir05, Not all jacks have springs. On the larger systems, the rams are controlled by a extend / retract valves along with a pump valve.
And ye mine do it also.
Larger Systems? NOT SO. Some Hydraulic rams the springs are internal, you do not see them. I have yet to see a "larger" motorhome have a Power Up and Power Down Jack system. Power up and Power down will not have springs, but use the pressure to keep them up. OP states he has Kwikee jacks and NOT HWH. Only certain models of HWH have the Heat related extend slightly problem--the 300 series. OP states he hits a "bump" and the jack down light comes on. The OP needs to state if his Kwikee is HYDRAULIC or Electric. IF Heat related, it would seem that it would extend regardless of hitting a bump. BUT, If hydraulic, he may have AIR in the system and he needs to bleed the system. Doug