Golferdave78 wrote:
Just bought a 2015 Jayco Class A 35 UP
Picking it up next Thursday after going through orientation at the dealer.
Any tips as to what I need to be on the look out for
Like the layout can't wait to get it and get Rv ing
But it seems like most everybody has some sort of complaint about the crafted ship of their unit be it an entry level or high end
I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'll say it anyway:
Any time you're buying an RV, you need to take the time, before driving away with it, to test out and make sure ALL systems are working to your satisfaction. Much easier to get issues addressed/fixed now while you have the full attention of the RV dealer and their service department.
Yes, check everything, even the things you don't think about, won't typically use for a while. Make them show you that everything works, and how it works - generator, hydraulic jacks, air conditioners, furnace, electrical system components (converters, inverters, etc), water pump, holding tanks, drain valves, stove, oven, microwave, TVs, TV antenna.....That list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Much better to identify and get issues addressed now, than when you're out camping somewhere.
Ayway, congrats on the new unit, I think you'll like it. The Jayco Class A units look nice, they offer some nice features that few other manufacturers do. And, they have 'bout the best warranty you can find anywhere with RVs, too (2 years - most others are only 1 year).