Forum Discussion

lucytravel12's avatar
Jan 15, 2017

Kitchen Faucet Leaks - BAD

The kitchen faucet in our 2004 PW Plateau was dripping. Phoenix Faucets sent us a "kit" to replace the ball joint. We did this and then water squirted everywhere! Then read the directions and did it again carefully - three times. Now water is seeping from the bottom on the faucet, right where it goes into the cabinet. I put the old ball joint in and it helped a little, but it still leaks onto the cabinet whenever we use the faucet. Oh - it STILL drips, but I don't even care about that now. Just need to be able to use it without water all over the cabinet. Any suggestions?
  • Thanks for letting us know what happened, and how you resolved it. Ours has been leaking, but I was successful with the repair for the time being. Probably will have to have it replaced like you did.
  • Got it replaced at the RV Service Center - new one is easier to use and has a lifetime warranty. Thanks for your advice!
  • Buy a (was Price)Pfister faucet with an honest lifetime warranty. I'm waiting for our second bath area faucet to arrive. This is the second of two Tiffin OEM faucets to fail at the at the base where the lines entered the casting. Both have been replaced with a new supply line design. 9 or 11 years of full timing isn't bad for the life of a faucet w/o service. The Delta faucets in our 10 apartments usually had to be rebuilt with each new tenant, but then again I never had a supply line failure.
  • As others have suggested....replace it with one from Home Depot or Lowe's, etc. As advised, get a good one...something solid brass.

    How about something like's only $4100.00....LINK
  • I did use silicone grease; it just helped a little. Think I'll get a good faucet installed when I get the toilet checked out. Any suggestions for a good brand?
  • ScottG wrote:
    Buy a nice new solid brass faucet to replace the RV cheapo.
  • Buy a nice new solid brass faucet to replace the RV cheapo.
  • Sounds like you may have damaged the seals when you installed the kit. Hse a bit of cilicone plumbers grease on all rubber o-rings and parts when installing.