Nomadist wrote:
Good to know about your airbags. It leads me to think I should test with just a bicycle pump before I invest in any sort of compressor.
Maybe I'm totally confused here, but following your list of presumably DIY upgrades, you seem FAR handier than my first impression with your question(s) in this thread.
I am at a total loss as to why you would not already own, or consider that an air compressor is not basically an essential tool in your kit.
Is it that you do zero mechanical work and only handyman type stuff?
I can't hardly make it a week at home without air and its even an inconvenience when I don't have onboard air on the road at times.
And after ALL the improvements to your camper, the tail dragging issue is either not really an issue for you or you haven't addressed it? You can go to basically any service station or tire shop and use their air hose and air those up in about 30 seconds.
Regarding the comments that airbags "don't work" on class C's, and barely raise the height, that also doesn't compute, at all. I find it all but impossible, if you air them up to max psi and take 5000-7000lbs of load off the rear springs that you dont raise the frame off the axle by at least a few inches which transferred out to the end of the overhang would be slightly more than that.