The first thing I did when we bought the RV was to make sure all electrical 120-VAC items were actually grounded to the incoming line and to the chasis the green wire, also made sure that all electronics were also properlly grounded, then I grounded the ladder to the chasis since it was not in contact with any metal from the chasis, then I bought a grounding strap that was installd on a bolt on the differential, I found that this really worked when we were in Colorado at the Escalante National Monumet, yes a lightning bolt hit the ladder and travelled down to ground though the chasis and the strap, the flash was blinding it shook the RV and the boom was good enough that we had to peel the cat from the ceiling with the fur standing on end, we were playing dominos and the wife spilt them all over I made some more tea for her to calm her down.