Forum Discussion

  • The first thing they taught when I was going through tractor trailer training was watch for clearances.
    I was going through a town in New York and stopped to ask a police office which way I need to go. Low and behold there is a low clearance sign of 13 ft 6 inches. I inched my way under, stopping often to check
    the clearance on my trailer. I did make quite a few people angry. They would have been a lot more upset if I had to back all the way back a 1/4 mile.
  • I watched a fire department hook and ladder rig not make the turn and ended up driving into a restaurant one day. New driver in training and manual steering. He just wasn't fast enough turning the wheel.
  • Once the AC units, and anything else on the roof, are removed, all of the RV's fit with no problem. :B