Forum Discussion

supercub's avatar
Jun 23, 2013

Low water pressure??

I just purchased this motorhome (used 07) this is my first time camping in it. I have low water pressure, both hooked up to city water and using the onboard tank with pump. Hookup has good water pressure. Could a dirty water filter cause low pressure? Any other ideas, beside a possible kink in a water line? Thanks
  • I just checked the screen and it was fine. I then took the filter cartridge out of the holder and I have good flow and pressure. Looks like a dirty ilter. Any problem with leaving it out for a couple of days till I can get somewhere to buy a new one?
  • x2 on charcoal/micron filter. I left the particulate filter in as well as the 40 psi restrictor(to protect the pvs piping) and have good pressure at all.
  • I removed my whole coach filter and fixed my problem. It might be that the micron filtering is too small. Try to find a filter than has slightly larger filtering holes. Instead of 5 micron, perhaps 10 micron.
  • supercub wrote:
    I just purchased this motorhome (used 07) this is my first time camping in it. I have low water pressure, both hooked up to city water and using the onboard tank with pump. Hookup has good water pressure. Could a dirty water filter cause low pressure? Any other ideas, beside a possible kink in a water line? Thanks
    Brian- Check your water faucet I just went up to MN and I had no water pressure what so ever. I decide to check the water faucet and I Il be a monkey's uncle I did not had the water supply valve completely open.:o
  • Your promlem is not low presure but low flow rate. this is common on a lot of MH because of restictions in the system. On my National RV the built in presure reg. only had a 3/16" hole threw it. I replaced it with a one way check valve and an external whole house reg. from Lowes and now it's just like at home.
  • Normally there are two causes for low water pressure, assuming good pressure from the faucet.

    1. Dirty filters
    2. Dirty screens

    Since it's a new to you coach, I would find and replace all the water filter in the coach. Be sure to look under the kitchen sink. Next, where the water hooks up to the coach, look inside the one way valve...there should be a small screen with a washer on it. These get gummed up with all kinds of junk. You get 3 for 4 bucks at WalMart or you can by a 6 pak at Home Depot. Also, check the screen in your shower wand. Finally, remove the water saver washer in the wand too.

    My guess, since you said it is low with your pump too, is your water filters need to be replaced, but if you're going to do that, replace the screens as well...Dennis
  • Yes, a dirty filter could cause a restriction, but first check you tap screens. They are usually on the end of the faucet and screw off. Additionally you may have plugged pipe. To clean the pipes, get some Clorox into your tank and reun the water until you can smell it. Leave it sit for three hours then run the water. Remove any filter elements and all tap screen to allow the debris to exit.